Ralphy's Spring Mix

Ralphy's Spring Mix

Regular price $34.95 $76.95
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Ralphy’s Spring Mix 

is a high quality 50% controlled release 23-2-13 and 2.5%fe fertiliser that is ideal for bringing a lawn out of dormancy as well as helping recover the turf after a renovation. Ralphy’s Spring Mix blend is the ideal product for enhancing existing turf cover. Ralphy’s Spring provides excellent colour with 2.5% Iron and a high level of turf growth both initially and for a sustained period due to its 50% Controlled Release Nitrogen.

 Key Features

 ·         Perfect fertiliser for giving the lawn a boost coming out of Winter Dormancy

 ·         Perfect to use as a renovation fertiliser to assist with recovery.

 ·         50% Controlled Release Nitrogen (CRN)

 ·         2.5% Fe for rapid green-up.


 Application Rate for Spring Boost 2.5kg per 100sqm


Application Rate for when Renovating turf

15grams per sqm 2 weeks prior Renovation

25grams per sqm post Renovation

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