Surefire Propyzamide 500 SC 1L
Surefire Propyzamide 500 is a selective herbicide for use on Common Couch, Queensland Blue Couch and Buffalo lawns. It is specifically registered for the pre and post emergent control of wintergrass (Poa annua).
Surefire Propyzamide 500 SC Herbicide offers unique application timing and flexibility for pre-emergent use.
For optimum results in turf it is best to apply Surefire Propyzamide 500 SC Herbicide prior to germination or to young, actively growing wintergrass plants in Autumn / early Winter.
When used in Turf, Surefire Propyzamide 500 SC Herbicide works by stunting the growth of Winter Grass, particularly the germinating seed which will start coming up in Autumn (generally speaking). Having stunted/stopped the plant´s growth, it can not spread/reproduce. Sustained treatment is required to control winter grass, and this product should not be used on Kikuyu lawns, but is OK for Buffalo and Couch lawns – but always consult the label before using the product.