Soil Analysis with 12 Month Calendar ( We Collect Soil )
Soil Analysis where you would like us to come collect the soil sample.
If you would like to completely take the guess work out of what products to use and how to get the best results out of your lawn, then getting your soil tested is the way to do it. We can check all key components like CEC, PH, Organic Matter and Key Nutrients whether in Excess or Deficient and then put those numbers from the analysis into easy terms for you to understand and make the corrections. We have gone to the top and we are using a company which specialises in turf and have turf experts ready to help if anything complex is shown.
Once we collect the soil sample, I will have the soil sent off to the lab and we should have the results back within 7-10 business days. At this point I will then put all information into a 12 month Calendar so you can completely take the guess work out of when to apply products to get the best results.
If you feel this could benefit you then please feel free to purchase and we can organise collection :)
I’m really looking forward to this coming season and some great lawns taken to that next level.